The Power of Story is a production company and consultancy specializing in social impact entertainment (SIE). In short, this means any type of media content that inspires positive social change. 

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If you want to change the world, start with a great STORY.


Stories are fundamental to the way we share knowledge and make sense of the world. They can expand empathy across social and political divides. They can give us meaning, purpose and a chance to look at the world differently. Stories can change us.  

All this is why storytelling can play a vital role in addressing the unprecedented global problems we face today. Our industry has a responsibility to wield the power of storytelling to make a positive impact. Together, we must all rise to the challenge.


What did Edward Zwick's Blood Diamond and Robert Kenner's Food Inc. have in common? Both inspired positive social change. SIE can take the form of a film, documentary, TV show, play, or any other kind of media content — as long as it tells a story that moves people into action."

Take a look

Good intentions aren’t enough in the entertainment industry.

Creators need to trigger people’s deepest emotions.


The State of SIE

Mapping the Landscape of SIE

Beyond Our Differences


After more than a decade of work in SIE and international development, The Power of Story is putting everything we have learned into practice with our first documentary and social impact campaign. Working with Harvard Professor Dr. Robert Livingston, The Conversation is a radically non-judgmental and scientific approach to ending systemic racism. 

Find out more

  • Filmmaker and pioneer in the emerging field of Social Impact Entertainment (SIE)

  • Founding Executive Director for the Skoll Center for SIE in Hollywood, the first of its kind

  • Former Head of Communications and Development for the World Economic Forum’s think-and-do tank (the Global Agenda Councils)

  • Named Young Global Leader by World Economic Forum


Peter Bisanz

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